CyberDharma Teachings:
To Be Announced
Click here to send your dharma question
Make a gift to support Dharma Teachings
Suggested Donation: $20
Teachings are made possible through your ongoing support.
Special Practice Sessions:
Sadhana of Thousand Arm Avalokiteshvara
To be announced.
This session is an opportunity to practice the sadhana together. No teachings or instructions will be provided. Participants should have received necessary initiation/ empowerment. We hope that practitioners will use this opportunity to both familiarize and stabilize their practice. Click here for sadhana text.
Online Practice Sessions:
Tara Mantra Recitation Session
To be announced.
A wonderful way to begin your day and to stabilize your practice. Each session will be 30-45 mins long.
20 Minutes of Calm
Virtual Sittings – Online Meditation Sessions
Tuesdays, 1pm ET
Paused – resuming in the fall.
Special Events:
Bodhi Day: Meditation & Aspiration Prayer Session
Recent Past Teachings:
- Jewel Ornament of Liberation
- Lojong: Thought and Mind Transformation
- Sutra of Remembering the Sublime Three Jewels
- Themes from the Lotus Sutra
- Book of Kadam
- Three Principle Aspects of the Path
- The Lotus Sutra
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*Dharma is priceless! All of our meditation and teaching events are supported and arise through the generosity of spiritual friends like you. Any donation is kindly appreciated. No one is turned away from teachings due to financial hardships. If you need assistance, please inquire:
Meditations on Nagarjuna’s Sixty Verses of Reasoning
Saturday. October 5, 2024 10:00AM
EMID Community Center
224 Vereda Layenda
Goleta, CA
Our retreat will have a morning and afternoon session, with lunch provided by the local sangha. Doors open at 9:30AM. Please e-mail our local coordinator Susie for further details.
Upcoming Retreats
Everyone is welcome to join us for these upcoming retreats, which include teachings, prayers, meditation and discussion.
*Note for On-line Retreats: Please take a screenshot of the connection details on the final landing page, once you’ve gone thru payments with PayPal. No reminder e-mails will be sent.
Etiquette for Virtual Gatherings, CyberDharma and on-line Retreats
- Join the session a few minutes prior to the actual start time.
- Be sure that your computer is connected to the network and have the login information available.
- When using video be sure that camera is at a proper angle. Or else choose not to transmit video.
- Whether you are using computer audio or a phone line, mute yourself unless you have to say something or it is a Q&A session. After you’ve asked your question turn the phone to mute.
- Do not pace around or talk to your pets or yourself while having the audio and video on.
- When using phone line only be sure you are at a quiet spot. If you are by yourself, please use a headset.
- Prayer-books and texts are generally circulated in advance.
Virtual Meditation Sessions
- Join the session a few minutes prior to the actual start time.
- Find a quiet and comfortable place to Join in/ call in from.
- Meditation sessions are generally silent unless it is a guided meditation
- No Q&A unless the instructor has suggested as such