Retreat Dates: Jan 30-Feb 5th

Retreat Schedule: TBD

Retreat Location: La Casa de Maria, Montecito, CA

Description:  Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form.
Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness.
In the same way feeling, perception, formation and consciousness are emptiness.

A week long intensive retreat on the understanding, practice, and realization of emptiness. This retreat will provide an opportunity to understand the conceptual framework of emptiness as it was presented and discussed in the literatures of  Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajryana schools. Participants will then proceed to deconstruct this conceptual framework to encounter emptiness “face to face”— proceeding to a naked awareness of no “face to face”.

The retreat will explore emptiness through teachings, discussions and meditation practices.   Beginners and advanced students are encouraged to attend.
Suggested Readings (in any available language): The Heart Sutra; Acharya Nagarjuna’s “Verses of the Middle Way” (mulamadhyamika-karika)— “Seventy Stanzas of Emptiness” (“sunyata-saptatih).

DIRECTIONS: Link to google maps

Accommodations:  Lodging  is limited – Reserve by Sept 25th. A double room is $750, this price includes all meals but not a donation for the teaching.

Use this form to sign up for a double room. For other options, return to a previous screen.

Cancellation Policy: If cancelled before Dec 31, 2014, your payment will be refunded, less $100 administrative fee. If the retreat must be cancelled by the Prajnopaya Foundation, you will receive a full refund

Contact: Susie Koesterer ( (805) 570-1359) or Kimberley Snow

Double Room: Full retreat:  $750. Deposit $300.
At a minimum the deposit must be made when registering
Full payment must be received by 11/1/2014
For a monthly payment plan contact Ben at
A donation  of $250 for the teaching is suggested

Susie is requesting that people pay their balances by sending her a check.  Contact her  – for more information.  Thank-you.

Double Rooms are currently sold out.  More may open up later.

Contact Susie to be added to a wait list.

Registration is temporarily suspended – check back tomorrow – Thanks